Swimming Pool Chemicals

Swimming pool chemicals include various kinds of disinfectants and sanitizers which work to control the growth of certain kinds of algae and bacteria in the pool water. Swimming pool chemicals may also be used in hot tubs, spas, wading pools, and whirlpools.

Various kinds of disinfectants and sanitizers are used but the “chlorine” type is the most common. The chlorine usually comes from “chlorinating agents” that release chlorine when they are dissolved in the water. Chlorine gas may be used in large pools.

Proper water chemistry is required to keep a swimming pool safe and clean for swimmers, and maintaining a swimming pool’s chemicals can save pool owners time and money.

A pool’s filter system does the work to keeping the water clean, but it takes chemistry to do the fine-tuning. It’s important to carefully manipulate the chemical balance in pools for several reasons. One reason is that pathogens, such as bacteria, thrive in water. A pool filled with untreated water would be a perfect place for disease-carrying microorganisms to move from one person to another. Also, water with the wrong chemical balance can damage the various parts of the pool. In addition, improperly balanced water can irritate the skin and eyes. Improperly balanced water can also get very cloudy.